The life of Jesus【English dubbing video】

In this article, you will find videos available on the YouTube channel "KoJi,s DeepMax" with English subtitles and English dubbed audio. There are two types of video available here, one dubbed by a male AI and the other dubbed in English by a Japanese woman. You can choose the one that suits you best. Please note that the English translation may be different in some cases.

The Life of Jesus 2【Writing of the video content】

We have translated the entire contents of the YouTube video "The Life of Jesus" into English and put it into text. This article also contains images from the video. I hope this article will help you in your studies. Source of the video: YouTube channel "KoJi,s Deep Max"

The Life of Jesus 1【Writing of the video content】

We have translated the entire contents of the YouTube video "The Life of Jesus" into English and put it into text. This article also contains images from the video. I hope this article will help you in your studies. Source of the video: YouTube channel "KoJi,s Deep Max"

This is Koreans!

Just as an American cannot tell a Japanese from a Korean, the Japanese cannot tell an American from a Mexican. Likewise, you can't tell the difference between a Frenchman and an Italian, a German and a Portuguese, an Irishman and a Northern Irishman, an Englishman and an Argentine, a Ukrainian and a Russian. But are they exactly the same ethnicity? Are their thoughts and actions identical? In this article, we will introduce you to "the unusual reality and crimes of Koreans," which at first glance may look like "Japanese behavior" at first glance, with photos and videos.